Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Update on Serial Psyence

I'm now 26,500 (ish) words into Serial Psyence.

Finished the murder scene today. I started it a little earlier than planned, as I like to work on scenes in a logical order, but it felt right, so I rolled with it. And proceeded to bisect the victim.

Honestly, where do I get these ideas from?

Moving on ... I've got some other scenes that need to go before the murder, as that is supposed to come at the end of a chapter. One of which involves a pilot of a multi-million UC shuttle, and it's been a couple of chapters since the last flight so I feel justified having another.


  1. Woderful Blog. Great Admin good keep it up. Cheap Postcards And Wholesale Printing

  2. Thank you, Vickya.
    so far, I'm keeping to my New Year's resolution of blogging more.
