Monday, January 23, 2012

That Monday feeling

The problem with only writing five days a week is that after a two-day rest period (a.k.a. the weekend), when I come back to writing on Monday, I've forgotten quite where I was, and then have to spend precious writing time getting back up to speed. By Friday, I'm on the ball, only to have to start all over again the following week!

For example, I've been detailing the backstory for one of the main characters, Investigator Patrick North. Before he joined the CSS (Callisto Security Service), he was a Detective Inspector in the Mariner Arcology CID on Mars. In the first version, he was involved in the investigation of a notorious series of murders, and the second an uprising that ended with the arcology having to be evacuated. That's what I get for making these things up on the fly, I guess, and not sitting down to do backstories. Nevermind, it's only the first draft, and this is the sort of thing I'll fix when I sit down to start the second draft.

Today I started work on a murder. I hadn't planned to, but things kinda went that way, deviating away from my set plan. It's actually a scene for a bit later in the chapter, so I'm going to have to backtrack a little bit when I've finished.

As I'm writing more than I expected, but less than I'd like (the problem with having a full time job and writing during my lunch break), I think it's about time I started writing in the evening. Having said that, I'll be getting Kingdoms of Amalur in a couple of weeks, and as Heather has expressed rather a lot of interest in it, I'll need something to do when she's playing it. 

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