Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Force is not strong with this one

I've discovered something about my writing style recently.

I don't like free-writing. By that, I mean I don't like writing a story without a plan. I like to sit and think about the path of my story, the characters in it, plan it out, starting with a list of bullet points and expanding on it until I have the main thrust of my narrative.

I like being in control. It's a stupid thing to say, I know - I'm the one writing the story. How can I not be in control. Except I don't feel like I am. I feel like I'm holding on to a castle made from jelly, and any second it's going to start coming apart and dribble through my fingers as I try grabbing for it like a cat pawing the air.

See, now that my book is finished, and the final draft is complete, I've decided to work on another project before I begin the next book. Heather suggested I write a fanfiction, as that way it would be a short inconsequential piece, just to get me back in gear. There was just one proviso: No planning. As it's been 8 months since I last did any writing that wasn't editing, I agreed to give it a go.

Turns out, I like planning a story. I like having the whole thing sorted out so I have my beginning, middle and end. I like knowing where a story is going.

And right now, I don't. It's all organic and flowing. For example, in the last chapter, I planned on having one of the main characters arrested, except that didn't happen, and she got off world. the little minx wheedled her way out of that trap, instead having a little chat with a bounty hunter.

It's bloody frustrating!

On the plus side, it's giving me a fresh perspective again.

At least the Jedi is doing what I want him to. For the moment.

The story's up on Fanfiction.net, entitled Pandora's Box (by MissingPerson), if you want a read.

Phillip J. Johns

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