Friday, May 25, 2012

A little less writing, a little more reading.

It's been a bit of a quiet week for me. As an alternative to writing, and because I felt like I needed a break, I've decided to spend some time reading instead. It's become a bit of a luxury these days, as I no longer reading quite as much as I used too, with the time I would normally spend reading now spent writing instead.

I have to admit, I've quite enjoyed it. It's been a change from being sat at my laptop during my lunch to do some writing (I work full time) and hammer out the next several hundred words of Serial Psyence. Helped rather a bit by reading the last book in the Ian Cormac series by Neal Asher: Line War. It's an excellent, well-written story which moves at a cracking pace, and ties its threads together very well.

but this can't go on. I've enjoyed my little break, but after this weekend, I'm back to work.

This novel won't write itself, you know.

I'm also attempting to read a few more science and technology articles than normal (ie more than zero). I sometimes find myself unable to find the right word for a new thingymabobby which is the greatest material in structural design, or working out what is the best engine technology to get you to Jupiter and back. So it's high time I caught up with things and see what sort of amazing stuff is out there. Things like the Hulc suit seem like early, military versions of my mobility suit, so it's quite cool to see what we're up to now.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Avengers Assemble!

No posts for a month, and now two in the space of an hour!

I went to see Avengers Assemble (sorry, Marvel presents Avengers Assemble, to give it the full title) last week. What a fantastic movie! Joss Whedon again proving why he is such a capable director, balancing characters who are more than capable of being the star of their own film (and indeed already have).

There were some brilliant scenes right through, and one in particular which stands out. I won't spoil it for you, but suffice to say, it was hilarious.

Thoroughly recommend it.

The morning news

Almost a month since my last post! I'd like to say I've been busy, but that would be a complete lie. Well, okay, not a complete lie.

We've had a few guests come to visit over the past few weekends, and last weekend we went to the wedding of Heather's cousin, Fran. When we left Birmingham, it was a dull and cloudy day, but the further west we drove, the nicer the weather got, and I am pleased to say that it was a lovely day for a wedding. That and the old Tudor building they got married in was absolutely lovely. The sort of place I think Heather and I would like to get married it, if we ever got to the point of affording it!

But after all that, this weekend we're staying at home. I must admit to feeling quite glad of it, to be honest. It's nice to see people, but I feel like I could do with some alone time, where I don't feel guilty if I put my headphones on and play on my Vita for a bit.

I decided to finally bite the bullet and send Wild Ride off to the folks at Fantasy-Faction, for their writing contest. If they like it, it could get published in their anthology next year. Wild Ride is a tale of derring-do and adventure ... mostly adventure. It tells the story of how an actress came to be aboard the Storm Brother, long before the crew became embroiled in the deadly events of Liberator's Ruin.

Lastly, Serial Psyence is continuing at a slow and steady pace, and I'm now closing in on 60,000 words. Sometimes it doesn't quite go the way I think it will, and characters are surprising me with their own paths that deviate from the ones I laid out for them. There's still a long way to go, but the journey is an interesting one. And for me, that's what matters.