Bit of advice for you. Don’t tell people you have a psychic murderer running around inside your head. They think you’re crazy.
Perhaps I should explain.
The plot for Serial Psyence, my next book, is well under way. The first draft of the outline has been finished, so now it’s a case of tidying it up, and making sure there are no continuity errors or weak points to the plot. Once this is done, I’ll start writing the full plan. It’s a long winded way of writing, but I find it really helps if I have a plan to refer to when I’m actually sat down at my laptop, beavering away.
And the premise of this book?
You guessed it, a psychic killer.
The problem with a killer who murders his victims with his mind is how do you catch him?
The setting needs a little more work though: I have the arcology pretty much fixed in my head, but there are little things about it that I need to be absolutely sure of before I’m ready to properly put finger to keyboard.
It was bank holiday weekend, this weekend, so I’ve not been doing much writing. We went to visit Heather’s parents for the weekend, then my mum on the way back. It was a very nice and peaceful weekend, though I feel a bit guilty for not having done any actual writing. The closest I got was editing a copy of Liberator’s Ruin to put up on Smashwords. They’re an aggregator for Apple, so fingers crossed, in a few weeks it’ll be gracing the ibookstore and Barnes & Noble.
I’m also playing L.A. Noire at the moment. What a brilliant game. The cases are really interesting, and I’m liking how the Vice cases are tying into the newspaper reports scattered throughout the game. I’ll admit that homicide was my favourite desk, and your partner in traffic was easily the most likeable. I especially liked the way the game has tied itself into actual crimes committed in 1940s L.A. – particularly the Black Dahlia murder. It’ll be really interesting to see where the rest of the game goes.